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Kilmnick noted that the organization had to battle to be able to hold events decades ago. Andrew Cuomo, the state parks commission and state parks regional director George (chip) Gorman Jr. “What a difference 3 decades makes as the most visible event for Long Island’s LGBT communities will take place at the most well-known New York State beach recognized for its beauty, sand, ocean and attractions for the entire family,” said David Kilmnick, the LGBT’s founder, president and Chief Executive. The organization plans a concert, market and food fair, a 5k run, a Kidz Zone, a VIP beach party and a Pride brunch. The annual Long Island Pride Parade will be on the Boardwalk.

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In an announcement, the LGBT Network said the event will take place Sunday, June 14. The event marks the organization’s 30th anniversary.

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The LGBT Network has made it official – the gay rights organization has announced it will hold its annual Long Island Pride event at Jones Beach, not in Long Beach, this year on Sun, June 14, 2020.

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